J.M. Nells - Episode 1 "Nice to Meet Me"

Oct 5, 2016 Web Series

I am J.M. Nells, future world famous playwright, documenting the evolution of my play "The Merchant With the Jew-fro"! In my first installment, my girlfriend Chloe and I perform an excerpt. Subscribe for future updates!


J.M. NELLS is a FICTIONAL web series; any resemblance to any persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Jane Nells – Remington Moses - https://www.facebook.com/remingtonmoses/
Chloe Perkins – Sarah Haruko - http://twitter.com/sarahharuko

Executive Producer – Jackie Forbes – http://twitter.com/oftarth
Director - Jackie Forbes – http://twitter.com/oftarth
Writer - Jackie Forbes – http://twitter.com/oftarth
Writer - Bonner Demling - http://twitter.com/bonnerdemling
Editor – Gigi Richter
Transmedia Producer - Jackie Forbes – http://twitter.com/oftarth

Visit us on IMDB (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5949722/), and visit our production company Lobster Flip Productions (http://lobsterflipproductions.tumblr.com).
