Happy Endings (Short Film)

Jul 22, 2016 Short Films

inspired by the lgbt fans deserve better movement (http://lgbtfansdeservebetter.com/), this film is a much-needed happily ever after.

check out the blooper video here: https://youtu.be/sK98UCl57rg

soundtrack: homecoming (jeff cardoni), ghost (halsey), chains (radical face), wolves without teeth (of monsters and men), stranger in a room (sara hartman), on the roof (the antlers), you won't remember... (bibio), varoeldur (sigur ros), tricks on me (jed whedon)
cast: ariel lowrey, michaela murphy, nicholas hathaway, bobby berry, elizabeth karron, aja faranda, juan duran, taylor jackson, silke enkerlin, emily golding
filmed: canon t3i (28mm lens)
edited: final cut pro x
completed: 2016
location: new haven, CT
